Business Advice

How Professional Sign Installation Can Boost Your Business

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There’s a popular saying that first impression matters. This saying takes even more significance when considering how competitive today’s business environment is. As a brand seeking to capture your share of this competitive market, an efficient way to grab attention and communicate your essence is through professionally installed signage.

Depending on the nature of your business, there are various ways to achieve this. It could be through a striking storefront sign or an informative interior display. It could also be through an eye-catching vehicle wrap. The key message here is that the right signage can critically impact your business’s visibility, credibility, and success.

Complete Projects WA, a top provider of professional sign installation services in Western Australia, aptly understands how powerful and effective signage can be. Located in Wangara WA, the company has been helping clients across the region including, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Shopping Centres, Schools, Residential and Commercial Outlets, and the Government to enhance their brand presence through well-designed and installed signs for over 25 years.

But, how important are signages for businesses?

Today, we will walk you through how professional sign installation can boost your business. We will also look at the various types of business signs, the benefits of A professional installation, and much more.

The goal is to provide you with as much credible information as possible to help you determine if you need to invest in signage. To start with, the reason some people question the impact of signage is that they do not recognise its psychological edge.

Do signages actually have a psychological effect? If they do, how significant is this factor?


Business Advice

5 Reasons That Could Mean Your Office Carpets Need Cleaning More Frequently

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Offices come in all sizes and types, and the number of people who will work or pass through them each day will differ too, but one thing many of them have in common is their need for office carpet cleaning if what is on the floor is carpet rather than tiles. For those offices that have carpets, we assume that the management of that business has in place some process for the carpets to be cleaned.

This could be internal cleaning staff, but the best option by far is to hire a professional carpet cleaning company to care for the carpets with regular expert cleaning. In many cases, there will be an agreement in place as to how often the various carpet cleaning processes take place. Vacuuming could be done daily, whereas deep cleaning, such as shampooing, takes place every two weeks or monthly.

What is likely to happen is that the business and carpet cleaning company will agree for inspections to take place to assess the work and also determine if the frequency of cleaning is sufficient. On the point regarding frequency, certain events and changes can take place within an office which is a reason for the time between full-scale carpet cleans to be reduced. To give you some idea of what these reasons might be, here are five of the most common ones.

Increased Foot Traffic

Much of the dirt and grime that finds its way into the fibres of an office carpet comes from the shoes of those who walk on that carpet. It should be noted that carpets also suffer from hair, dandruff, and dead skin cells that all come from humans too. Should the number of people who are walking on the carpets increase, then it follows that carpets are going to become grubbier quicker and thus require cleaning more often.


Business Advice

Team Building Ideas That Do Not Require A Lot Of Time

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Team Building Ideas That Do Not Require A Lot Of Time

One of the most common reasons why those who lead teams give for not implementing any team building ideas is that they do not have enough time. This is truly unfortunate and a missed opportunity to create teams that are bonded and will go the extra mile for their teammates, regardless of the scenario.

The question must be that if you are a team leader who does not believe they have the time for team building, how much of an advantage is that giving to your competitors whose team leaders, managers, and coaches have managed to found the time for building their teams?

The answer to that is a huge advantage, but it need not be that way. The fact is that even for those of you who genuinely have few opportunities to build your teams, particularly with regards to time, there are several team building ideas you can still employ. At most these require no more than 30 minutes, and in some cases can be done in less than 10. Do you think you can spare just 10 minutes to make your team a better one?

We hope so, and so here are some quick team building ideas from that do not require a lot of time…

Better Or Worse

Time: 20 minutes

Split the group into teams of four or five people and then show everyone four very different objects. One example would be a drumstick, a frying pan, a baseball cap, and a cuddly toy. Now you give them a scenario and ask the teams to rank each of the objects in the order that they would be the most useful and why.

The scenarios can be as silly and weird as you like so ‘You are saving the world from an alien invasion’, and ‘You are alone in a train carriage with an escaped gorilla’ are perfect as they require high levels of creativity to resolve.


Business Advice

Simple Tactics To Ensure Patients Give Your Dental Practice Positive Reviews Online

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It does not take much insight to know that a dentist getting negative reviews has a considerable disadvantage over a dentist with almost all positive reviews. The reason for someone posting a negative review of a dental practice may not always relate to the dentist’s work. Still, it could relate to other matters, such as long appointment wait times or a lack of attentiveness from the dental receptionist.

Dentists know that their dental practice and its viability greatly depend on their skills and expertise and how these influence a patient’s opinion of them. They also know that most of these opinions tend to appear online on websites such as Google in the form of reviews and testimonials, so ensuring your patients have a positive experience is essential.

This boils down to the fact that a dental practice needs positive reviews, and it is often the case that it will be deserving of them due to the high levels of service given by all who work there. However, suppose that dental practice does nothing to encourage its many satisfied patients to post positive reviews. In that case, they will never be published, which is even more unacceptable than getting negative reviews.

Doubtless, dentists are highly skilled and dedicated to looking after their patients to the highest degree. Similarly, receptionists and other staff, such as dental nurses, may also pride themselves on their professionalism, patient care, and service level. It is passed on to others who hear about it via positive reviews.


Business Advice

How To Ensure You Choose The Correct Actuarial Service For Your Financial Needs

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7 Steps Of Investment Planning For Business Owners

Any time when you are assessing and planning your finances will often mean you turn to experts and professionals for advice and help, such as an accountant or tax advisor, and in many scenarios, you may also require actuarial services from a company such as

Not everyone is aware of or even understands what an actuary does, so here are the basics. The simplest way to describe what an actuary does is to say they are a risk assessor. However, how they undertake that role is at a far higher level of detail and analysis than that of most risk assessments.

The reason for that is that the risks they evaluate relate mainly to financial risks, and therefore the accuracy of the risks they determine is extremely important. How actuaries determine risks includes looking at data, researching past events, creating mathematical models to evaluate risks, and calling upon their knowledge and experience to produce their conclusions.

They can then provide those conclusions to their clients which can include both commercial enterprises and individuals. Whether you are a business owner and fall into the first category, or a private citizen and are in the latter, choosing an actuarial service should be done with care, given that you may make several important decisions based upon their work. To assist you with that decision, here is some advice on how to choose the correct actuary for your financial needs.


Business Advice

5 Advantages Of Advertising Your Business Using PPC Ads

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5 Advantages Of Advertising Your Business Using PPC Ads

One of the huge benefits that the internet has given businesses is a means to create a digital marketing campaign that does not require an advertising budget. Although there may be costs associated with having a digital marketing agency create and implement such a campaign, thereafter the organic traffic which is created and visits their website, is bereft of any ad costs.

That model might suit lots of businesses, however, just as in the offline world, the online world also offers paid advertising opportunities to businesses. A recent digital marketing survey showed that the amount spent on online paid advertising is almost the equivalent of 1 billion Australian dollars annually and that online paid ads account for over 60% of the total of all advertising expenditure

So, it is clear paid ads play a significant role in the digital marketing plans of businesses, and if your business is not currently using online pad ads, we appreciate there could be many reasons for that. You could be a new business, you might have tried previously but saw zero return, or you simply may have never considered the benefits of paid advertising before.

We hope to correct the latter, and also provide some positive reasons for other business owners to at least consider online paid advising, and in particular, pay per click (PPC) ads also known as Google Ads, which are by far the most popular online paid advertising model. The simple premise is that you create an ad, and only pay whenever someone clicks on it. The PPC advertising model has several advantages, and below we have highlighted the five which are most relevant.


Business Advice

Why An Employer Supporting Employees With Drug Addiction Benefits Their Business

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Why An Employer Supporting Employees With Drug Addiction Benefits Their Business

As an employer, you will be aware that there are many actions that you can take that benefit your business, but one such action which may not have been at the forefront of your thoughts is the help you provide to an employee who requires drug rehab. Discovering that an employee has a drug addiction, such as an ice addiction, either via an internal investigation or by that individual approaching you and admitting they have a drug addiction throws up many questions,  ​which can include,

  • How long has their drug addiction existed?
  • Have they been taking drugs on the business premises?
  • Has it affected their work?
  • Are there other employees who may have a drug addiction?
  • Do I need to replace this employee?
  • Can I help this employee?
  • How do I help this employee
  • Is there a cost to the business?

One question that is not on that list, but is probably the main one to answer is “What Do I Do Next?”. This is what most employers will have going through their minds when drug addiction blight one of their employees. Presumably, your business will have a drugs policy that is available in employee handbooks. In most cases, you should refer to that policy for your next step.


Business Advice

How Incentives Can Boost Customer Reviews Of Your Landscaping Business

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Before any landscaping business start panicking having read the title of this post, we must stress from the outset that what were are not talking about here is paying clients for reviews. That practice has long been frowned upon to the extent that many governments are considering making it illegal for a business to pay someone for a positive, and patently false, review of their products or services.

So, if not paying clients for reviews, what do we mean when say incentivising them? What we referring to is giving customers a reason or an encouragement to write the review by giving them an incentive, and this includes a financial one. Note, there is a huge difference between an incentive such as a special offer or promotion, and simply paying for reviews.

Customer Review Incentivisation

Many products and services are reviewed by people who are first given them for free, so this practice is well-founded, albeit it still has its critics. A prime example (no pun intended) is Amazon where there are so-called professional reviewers who write unbiased reviews on products that they are sent free of charge.


Business Advice

Why Using Online Accounting Services Can Positively Impact A Landscaping Business

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Why Using Online Accounting Services Can Positively Impact A Landscaping Business

Businesses that hope to be profitable must recognize the many online services and applications that can help them, including landscapers who run their businesses.  Landscaping experts from advise that although much of their work is done in the offline world, and specifically in gardens, that does not obscure the fact that they can run their business more efficiently and thus help to make it more profitable if they take advantage of the many online business services that exist.

One such service that not just landscapers but every type of business can benefit from is online accounting. We have to add this is not where you have an accountant sitting online and manually completing your accounts. The online accounting we are referring to is software that can be accessed directly via the internet and into which you input all the financial data necessary to complete your accounts.

If you search online for “online accounting”, you will see page after page of results showing how popular it is. However, when choosing an online accounting service for your landscaping business, we recommend you take the time to research the ones that appeal to you most to ascertain if they provide what you need, are user-friendly, and the fees charged are reasonable.

As for why a landscaper would want to use online accounting, here are five simple but highly desirable benefits.


Business Advice

7 Online Tools And Services That Can Massively Improve Your Landscaping Business

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7 Online Tools And Services That Can Massively Improve Your Landscaping Business

For any Sydney landscape architect reading this, when the word “tools” get mentioned your first thought is doubtless of those tools which you use for the construction and maintenance of the landscaping designs you are responsible for. However, when it comes to running your landscaping business, we doubt a lawnmower, cement mixer or power drill will be what you need.

As important as those tools are, the sorts of tools we are referring to are the ones that allow landscaping business owners to more effectively, run, market, and manage their business. Here are seven such tools and services we believe will enhance any landscaping business plus specific examples of each type.

Project Management – Examples: Asana, Trello, Podio

No matter how big or how small any landscaping project is, it will be better run, and more likely to achieve all its objectives if it is managed using project management software. With this, everything you need to organise work, such as checklists, role allocation, deadlines, and relative contact details, for example, can all be accessed on a single platform.


Business Advice

Why Dentists Should Opt For Custom Web Design Versus A Website Template

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Why Dentists Should Opt For Custom Web Design Versus A Website Template

Given that over two-thirds of their target audience is likely to be active users of the internet, it is abundantly clear that dentists should have a website to give them an online presence and to help promote their dental practice. How to have a website built can differ, but not every way is suitable if a dental business wishes to attract new patients and be able to expand.

First, we advise dentists to not use the “Do-It-Yourself” approach. Dentists are experts at oral health not building websites, and just as you would never ask web designers to fill cavities or give dental implants, dentists are best served not building their own websites. It might seem a cheaper option, but it will take longer, and the results will almost certainly be suboptimal.

Another option is to buy a template to either try to build a website or to ask a freelancer to build it. Now, there are lots of excellent freelance web designers, but even here, the result is not going to be as good as if you follow the path that we suggest. That is to have a custom website designed and built by a professional web design agency. Here are 7 reasons why custom web design beats using a template every time.

It Is Unique: Why would you want a website for your dental practice that looks the same as others? Better to have a unique website that can be created for your objectives in a style and with functions that you believe will augment your website’s effectiveness.

You Can Brand Your Dental Practice: A huge benefit of a custom web design is that it can match and augment your dental business’s branding. By using brand-specific colours, logos, graphics and fonts, the whole website can make your brand stronger.


Business Advice

4 Types of Commercial Deep Cleaning Services And How They Can Benefit Your Business

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4 Types of Commercial Deep Cleaning Services And How They Can Benefit Your Business

If you have ever discussed the cleaning needs of your business premises, it has most likely to have been done with a commercial cleaning company. Whilst using in-house cleaners that you have to employ directly can be sufficient, for business owners who want the best for their commercial premises, hiring the professionals to clean them regularly invariably produces the best results.

This brings us to discuss the different types of commercial cleaning that are available to businesses. At the basic level, you have cleaning that is regarded as routine which tends to be the regular daily cleaning that takes place. What this entails will differ between business types and types of premises, but most likely it will include vacuuming, dusting, wiping surfaces, and thorough cleaning of specific areas such as the toilets.

Another level of commercial cleaning that commercial cleaning companies are often employed to carry out is deep cleaning. The term ‘deep’ does not refer to deep pile carpets or the basement offices, but instead to the intensity and the thoroughness of the clean. If we were to give you an analogy it could be compared to the spring clean that people do in their homes, where every nook and cranny is cleaned.


Business Advice

Fire Protection Equipment You Should Have In A Commercial Property

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Fire Protection Equipment You Should Have In A Commercial Property

If you own or manage any type of commercial property then much of the responsibility to ensure it is safe falls on your shoulders, which is why one of your tasks, if you have not already done so, will be to speak to your local fire services company. They will be able to advise you on the regulations regarding fire safety and what the minimal requirements are with regards to fire protection equipment on the premises.

Of course, you always have the option to go above and beyond the minimum requirements and invest in additional fire safety and protection equipment. Not only does this greatly increase the fire safety levels in your premises, but as an employer, it demonstrates that you take the welfare of your employers seriously.

There is a long list of possible options, so we must stress that the ones we highlight are merely our suggestions and do not constitute any kind of definite regulatory advice or minimum legal requirement, both of which you must ascertain for yourself with regards to the commercial premises you are responsible for.

Fire Extinguishers

The type of property and the commercial activity which takes place will determine which types of fire extinguishers you need, and in particular what is necessary for the materials that are predominant inside those premises. As a minimum, you will have a red-banded water extinguisher which is suitable for most fires involving paper and wood.

You might choose to expand the types of fire extinguishers to include a Black Co2 extinguisher for electrical fires, and also the number of extinguishers, especially if the property has more than one room.
